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Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements
Personal Development

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements



Realising the ambition of our Curriculum at Lake Farm Park Academy


Lake Farm Park nurtures independent, motivated learners through a holistic and ambitious curriculum. We set high expectations for our children so they can handle challenges with resilience and determination. We encourage curiosity about the world and aim to ensure that our children make positive contributions to it, both now and in the future.

Our school motto is Learning, Achieving and Aspiring Together which influences our expectations and decision-making. We use positive relationships to build on trust and respect, which is at the heart of all we do.

Our curriculum is carefully adapted to reflect our pupils' needs, representing our school community's diversity. It continuously builds on prior knowledge, which helps pupils to make connections between different subjects and make learning cohesive. We ensure that all pupils reach their potential and achieve well through a consistent approach to teaching and learning. Our knowledge-rich curriculum is planned and sequenced, ensuring we prepare our pupils to become successful global citizens in a constantly changing world.

Our curriculum instils modern British Values and broadens viewpoints while enabling pupils to gain more cultural capital. We have worked towards embedding Rights Respecting values into our daily school life to give children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.

All subjects of the curriculum are supported by a variety of texts that are essential to our goal of fostering a language-rich environment to encourage communication skills. We are committed to giving every pupil the chance to flourish and succeed, regardless of their background or barriers they may face in learning.


We deliver a well-structured and enriched curriculum that is carefully planned to provide cohesive learning of key knowledge, skills and concepts, which will be recalled by pupils regularly. Our pupils gain the ability to think critically, weigh the evidence, and ask insightful questions as they progress.

 We track knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts through various retrieval exercises.  This regular revisiting enables knowledge to be committed to long-term memory. We implement Quality First teaching through modelling, scaffolding, and assessment methods like Fluent in Five, and Do Now activities to enable pupils to achieve academically and instil confidence and resilience in our pupils for their long-term success.

Excellence in teaching and learning is at the core of our philosophy. We address individual learning needs and enrich our curriculum to reflect our pupils' diverse backgrounds. Our staff participates in regular CPD sessions to enhance their subject knowledge and pedagogical skills. Key components of our teaching strategy include effective questioning methods and encouraging active participation from learners during lessons. Through Habits of Discussion, we ensure that classroom discussions are focused and productive, incorporating oracy skills to foster meaningful learning for all pupils.

Parental engagement is essential to us. We invite parents to become reading volunteers, attend workshops to support home learning, attend coffee mornings, participate in Stay-and-Read and Stay-and-Play sessions, phonics workshops and showcase events. Our pastoral support is robust, encompassing social and emotional skills groups, ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) sessions, well-being monitors, life skills programmes, and zones of regulation. These initiatives ensure that every child receives the support they need to thrive.

Curriculum experiences

We provide various roles and activities to develop our pupils holistically and help them be confident members of the school community. These opportunities include extracurricular activities such as the Maths Challenge, sports tournaments, outdoor learning, charity events; and exploration and debate competitions. Additionally, we encourage pupil voice through participation in the school council, fostering discussion habits, and enhancing children's communication skills and confidence.

We offer a variety of clubs to cater to all interests, including sports, baking, board games, chess, computing, and choir, ensuring every pupil has the opportunity to participate and develop a range of skills.

We also carefully organise a variety of educational trips and visitors to enhance learning. We provide a wide range of experiences for all children, allowing them to build a bank of childhood memories that they will remember for the rest of their lives.


At Lake Farm Park Academy, pupils are ready for their next stage of education and real life. Academic achievement is strong across all cohorts of learners. Our pupils retain and apply knowledge, providing a strong foundation for success.

They understand their role as local and global citizens. Our pupils will be confident readers and critical thinkers, equipped with the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. Our pupils will be skilled at problem-solving and will have a strong ability to make connections in their learning, enabling them to retain deeper knowledge. A wide range of experiences will provide them with a well-rounded skill set to succeed.

Our pupils enjoy learning and can clearly communicate what they have learned, demonstrating comprehension and effective communication skills.

Pupils are respectful, truthful, determined, and empowered to embrace challenges that enable them to learn from failures. They develop leadership abilities and understand how to self-regulate and manage their behaviour. Our pupils feel valued, knowing their thoughts and opinions are respected by staff and peers.