Return of school books
12th October 2020
Dear Parents / Carers
To ensure we have a wide range of books to offer pupils when reading at home, we politely ask that if you have any school reading books from last year, that you please return these in your child's book bag.
We offer our pupils a range of resources to develop their reading fluency and comprehension at home. This could be through MyOn, Bug Club, their set reading book or even hearing you read a shared story together. These resources support, engage and encourage all pupils to be reading daily. If you need any support with these resources, please speak to your class teacher or email
Thank you in advance for your support to ensure all pupils are engaged, enjoy and develop a love of reading.
Yours faithfully
Miss. Carlise Ms. Peerwani
Vice Principal Key Stage 1 Vice Principal Key Stage 2
Mrs . O'Neill
SENDCo / Vice Principal–SRP