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Coronavirus and Remote Learning Update

Coronavirus and Remote Learning Update

Dear parents/carers                                               

                             Coronavirus and Remote Learning Update


National lockdown came into force on 5th January 2021. The government has advised that schools should take additional precautionary measures during this period of national lockdown till February half term.


Further to my letter dated 1st January, we will be teaching remotely through Google Classroom. Only a small number of vulnerable children and children of critical workers are being supported in school by support staff to access the live teaching as their peers daily.


Parents are again reminded to ensure they have a face mask when coming on to the school grounds from the main gates, especially since the emergence of the new Covid-19 variant (The recommended control measures to limit the spread of the new variant continue to be testing, following the existing guidance and abiding by the restrictions, including 'Hands, Face, Space' and limiting your number of contacts – PHE guidance 14th December 2020)


Keeping numbers of children in school low


While we appreciate that a number of our families are entitled to have a place in school due to one parent being classed as a key worker, we are experiencing a much higher volume of requests for places than we did during the initial lockdown in March 2020. In order to keep everybody in our community as safe as possible, we ask that you consider school as the best place for your child only if there are no other options available to you. We understand that some parents have to go out to do their job as a key worker and, indeed, that working from home is easier when children are in school, but the safety of our children and staff must be our number one priority. The work in school is exactly the same work that other children are accessing from home. Please consider whether you would be able to keep your child at home before requesting a place; it is undoubtedly the safest place for them.


Google Classroom


The teachers are working diligently to plan and prepare resources to teach the Spring Term curriculum to all pupils. So can I please urge all parents to ensure that their children are logging in to Google Classroom and accessing it through the Year Group for eg Year 1, Year 6, etc. If your child does not log on to learn remotely, they will then return to school with a huge gap in their knowledge and skills.

Please ensure both you and your child have read our code of conduct and our remote learning policy and are following these rules when completing remote learning from home.



These documents are on our school website and Google Classroom. Additional guidance about accessing Google Meet links and who to contact for support are all contained within this policy and below:


Year 6 remote learning- Home learning, Class code, 5o5s7ae

• Year 5 remote learning- Home learning, Class code, 6gps6xu

• Year 4 classes remote learning- Home learning, Class code, 3eq7x4q

• Year 3 classes remote learning- Home learning, Class code, chz523z

• Year 2 classes remote learning- Home learning, Class code, 6clog36

• Year 1 classes remote learning- Home learning, Class code, 4aixmra

• SRP, Hedgehog class remote learning- Home learning, Class code, azjfu6v

• Reception classes remote learning- Home learning, Class code, jgagtql

• Nursery classes remote learning- Home learning, Class code, e7vgnkd


Please refer to our remote learning policy or the emails below in order to reach the correct people for support.

•        If you have any Issues with IT – email the VPs for each phase as below.

•        Issues with their own workload or wellbeing – contact the principal or a Mental Health First Aider - Mrs Nair or Miss Dickerson.

•        Concerns about data protection – please contact the Principal or Mrs Nair

•        Concerns about safeguarding – please contact the DSL Ms Peerwani or Family Support Worker, Miss Dickerson


Key email addresses can be found below:

• Principal-

• Vice Principal- Year N, R, 1, 2 -

• Vice Principal - Year 3-4

• Vice Principal - Year 5 -6


To contact your child's class teacher please email the addresses below. Please be mindful that teachers will be teaching throughout the day and therefore we appreciate in advance your patience with response to these emails. If your email is urgent please contact the school office or the Vice Principals on their emails.


• SRP-

• YearN-

• Year R-

• Year1-

• Year2-

• Year3-


• Year4-

• Year5-

• Year6-


If you are struggling to use Google Classroom on any devices, please see the guides and videos uploaded on our school website and Google Classroom.


I understand that a few parents have expressed concerns that they may have only one laptop to be shared amongst a few of their children. It is important to remember that the older children access their live teaching as on the weekly time table and the younger children can view the BBC TV lessons or complete the work set with adult support at home later in the day. Please contact the school if you have further concerns about availability of devices. You can also use your smart phones, ipads, tablets, etc for your children to use to access live teaching.


Please find some supportive guidance below on how to use Google classrooms using a range of devices.   ️   ️   ️   ️   ️   ️ Please find this page a very supportive tool to support with Google classroom

How to use Google Classroom on different devices- tablet, ipad, kindle, x-box/PlayStation - using a tablet - using an ipad using a kindle using a kindle - xbox/playstation 



I am extremely proud of the good team of professional, passionate and hard-working LFPA staff who are teaching at home or supporting in school. Teachers are busy teaching live since 5th January, taking the register at every lesson, assessing the children's work, answering parents and children's emails, giving out school rewards; and planning lessons and resources for the next day's teaching. Live teaching is double the amount of work that teachers do when teaching in school, so I am full of admiration for all teachers' resilience. Please make sure that at the end of every lesson, you encourage your child to give the teacher a round of applause to show their gratitude. But most importantly the teachers would also like to see the completed work sent back to them, good learning attitude and children taking part in the lessons.


Below are some lovely comments sent in by pupils and parents:



That's great news you are still managing to provide hot meals in this cold weather

Mrs Davies (parent of Year 3 and Reception children)

Thank you Mr Kay for a lovely lesson today.

It is so fun and knowledgeable learning from you and learning different methods.

When I do mindfulness my mum also joins in and we find it very relaxing and peaceful.

Thank you.

Angel of Year 5

I am so happy with the online lessons and resources that we have been accessing. All of their teachers are giving excellent lessons and engaging the students. As a teacher myself, I know how difficult this is and I wanted you all to know that your efforts are appreciated. I have even picked up tips on how I can conduct my live lessons. Please share this with all staff and thank you for everything during this difficult time.

Mrs N Monconduit (parent of Year 4 and 6 children)



Stay at home. Keep safe. Follow government guidance.


Warm regards


Ms. H. Buttar
