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Healthy School Lunch

Healthy School Lunch

Dear Parent / Carer

Lunch is an important meal for children to provide energy and nutrients to keep them going throughout the afternoon.
To grow and stay healthy, children need to eat a nutritionally well-balanced diet. Good nutrition in childhood can help to prevent a variety of health problems, both in the short term and later in life. There is increasing concern that many children are consuming too much fat, sugar and salt. Packed lunches can contribute to almost a third of a child's weekly food intake and therefore needs to be balanced and nutritious. Our catering company, Pabulum offers a well-balanced school lunch. If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 is entitled to a free school meal.

Please click on the link to view the menu for school lunches.

As Lake Farm Park Academy is a Nut-free school please do not send your child/ren in with any food that may contain nuts.

Click on the link to view Healthy School policy

The key to a healthy packed lunch is variety and getting the right balance of foods to provide children with all of the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Please see some useful links :


Thank you.


Ms. Buttar
