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National day of reflection

National day of reflection

Dear Parents / Carers

Since the first lockdown began in 2020, hundreds of thousands of people have died. Too many lives have been cut short and millions have been bereaved.

Behind the statistics and whatever the cause, every death has been devastating for the people left behind.

Join us on 23 March, the first anniversary of the first UK lockdown, for a National Day of Reflection to reflect on our collective loss, support those who've been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future.

There are still tough times ahead, as the death toll continues to rise. This annual day will give us all time to pause and think about this unprecedented loss we're facing, and support each other through grief in the years to come.

Marie Curie, the charity has organised this day for the nation.

The Park Federation would like all academies to take part in this. A number of pupils and staff have lost someone close to this horrible pandemic so we can show our support in the following ways listed below:

1. LFPA will have a 1 minute silence at 9 am tomorrow. 

2. Can all classes please organise for children to view the youtube video before or after the 1 minute silence. resources https:// involved/day-of-reflection

Below are some activities you can do with your class:

Put a colourful poster or flowers in your window

You can draw, paint, create your own art or simply colour in one of these posters made by ARTventurers  . Show your support by placing it in your window before 23 March and sharing on social media using #DayofReflection.

If you want to bring in a bit of nature, then you can buy some beautiful yellow spring flowers, and on 23 March, pop them somewhere your neighbours can see. You might want to send a bunch to someone who's grieving so they know you're thinking about them.

Or how about planting some yellow flowers? Fill your garden or put one or two in a pot. Part of a community gardening group? Create a #DayOfReflection display to honour your local community. Read some top tips for planting spring flowers from the RHS.  

Create your own hand-crafted daffodil thanks to Hobbycraft's step-by-step guide.   For every pack sold within the Day of Reflection bundle, a 25p donation by Staedtler will be made to Marie Curie.

Shine a light at 8pm

At 8 pm we'll hold a minute's silence and come together to light up the night. Stand outside with a light – a candle, a torch, even your phone - to remember someone who's died and show your support to people going through a bereavement.

Alternatively, you can shine a light in your window for everyone to see.

Yours sincerely 

Ms. Buttar
