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London Eye and Sea life Centre on Thursday 16th June 2022

London Eye and Sea life Centre on Thursday 16th June 2022


Dear Parents/Carers,                                                           

On Thursday 16th June (weather permitting) Year 2 will be visiting London Eye and the Sea Life Centre. Children will need to be at school for 8.10am and ready to leave at 8.30am. Children will be required to arrive promptly to avoid any delays as we will be travelling via train.

The children will leave London Eye and Sea life Centre and aim to return to school for 3:45pm. Parents will be informed of any changes on the day via the school app.

On the day children will need:

  • A sun hat if the weather is sunny.
  • A waterproof jacket in case of rain.
  • To wear sensible footwear.
  • To be in full school uniform.
  • To bring a disposable water bottle.
  • To bring a disposable plastic bag labelled with the child’s name to carry their lunch in.
  • Hay fever tablets (if applicable) to be taken prior coming into school.
  • Inform the class teacher in advance if your child suffers from travel sickness.

Yours Sincerely

Ms H. Buttar



Child’s name: _____________________________    Class: ____________






Please tick if your child suffers from travel sickness