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Care Home Initiative

Care Home Initiative

Dear Parent / Carer


During this pandemic many elderly people living in care homes all around the country and the world have lost contact with their loved ones. Due to Covid 19 the elderly in the care homes have been left isolated and alone. As a school we would like to connect with these people and bring a smile to their faces. 

Your task:
Write a letter/ draw a picture to send to one of the residents below.

IMPORTANT- Please ensure your names are written somewhere visible on your work so the residents can reply back to you! But only your FIRST NAMES! And do not share any personal information such as your address.

The residents we are writing to are:

Nursery : Stephen, Mohamed, Harvey

Reception : Joseph, Mark, James

Year 1 : Priya, Angela, Maryan & Charlotte

Year 2 : Graham, Levi, Ryan & Noah

Year 3/SRP    : Priya, Rebeca, Syeda, Daman & Katherine

 Year 4 : Abdi, Jaskar, Constantin & Nadeem

Year 5 : Faiza, Nasro, Khadra, Collette, Neena & Catherine

Please upload your letters in letters for care home assignment by Friday 12th June on Google Classrooms or email them to .

Miss. Carlisle

Vice-Principal KS1