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Action Aid

Action Aid

Friday 10th July 2020



Dear Parents/Carers,


Next week, to raise money for Action Aid, the children who are in school will be participating in an Action Aid PE lesson. In this PE lesson, the children will be taking part in a carousel of fun and competitive activities.


Our Action Aid PE lesson will be part of our 'Global Park 60' initiative which was set up last year across The Park Federation Trust to sponsor children all around the world. As a result of our fundraising at our 'Lark in the Park' last year, Lake Farm Park now sponsors 8 children and we would love to continue to be able to sponsor these children. Each year group has also written letters to each of these children this year. Our fundraising will also help to improve the lives of over 900 girls and young mothers (as well as their families and communities) in Nyarongi to stay in education and reach their full potential.


On Wednesday 15th July, your child is invited to come into school wearing sports kit (for example, they can come dressed in their favourite team's sports kit). If you wish to make a contribution to Action Aid to support this important cause, this is possible through the Go Fund Me page which has been set up and posted onto the school website, the school app and Google Classroom.

Yours Sincerely



Miss McMenemy              Mrs Miles                     Mr Whynn

P.E. Lead                       P.E. Lead                    PSD P.E. Lead