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Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

                                                                                                            July 17th 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


Following Government guidance released on Thursday 2nd July 2020, all children will return to school from Monday 7th September 2020. Please find below further information on the measures that we will be putting in place in line with the government recommendations.


There will be strict social distancing measures in place and social mixing between children, staff and parents/carers will be kept to a minimum. All children will not mix with children outside of their year group bubbles and parents/carers will not be allowed in the school building and in the playgrounds at any time.


The school will be introducing a staggered start and end to the day.  Parents/carers will drop off at separate gates for each Key Stage and not be allowed into school premises without an appointment with staff. Children will make their way directly to their classroom, washing their hands when entering the classroom. There will be regular, natural points through the day when children and staff will be required to wash hands.


All year groups will have their own timetables which will prevent mixing between year groups. No mass gathering will take place in school. There will be no more than 30 children in classroom at a time.


Reception - 8.40am to 3.00pm (Reception gate)

Year 1 - 8.50am to 3.15pm (Reception gate)

Year 2 – 8.40am to 3.05pm (KS1 gate)

Year 3 – 8.45am to 3.15pm (KS2 small gate)

Year 4 – 8.55am to 3.25pm (KS2 small gate)

Year 5 – 8.45am to 3.15pm (KS2 main gate)

Year 6 – 8.55 am to 3.25pm (KS2 main gate)

Nursery timings as usual. AM 8.30-11.25am and PM 12.30 – 3.25pm (Nursery gate)


There is enough time for parents to drop off and pick up their children from the gates if they have more than one child in the school in different year groups.


In class, children will sit facing the front of the class and will not have direct face to face contact as much as possible – carpet time will be limited and only used if necessary. Children will remain at the tables for the majority of learning time. Teachers and support staff will social distance from children and each other as much as possible. With direct face to face contact kept to a minimum.  Break times will be staggered and playground will not be shared between key stages. Lunch will be staggered, with only one year group using the dining hall at a time. Movement around the school will be kept to an absolute minimum, and crowding should be avoided.  At the end of the day, parents/carers will have staggered collection timings and separate gates will be used for each Key Stage. Children will be lined up at collection points and released to parents/carers promptly, with families then leaving the school site immediately.


Please note the following points :


  • There will be clear entry and exit paths labelled to guide parents when dropping off. Where possible please have only one person to drop off and arrive for collection which will minimize adult to adult contact. 
  • Children are only allowed to bring the following items to school; lunchboxes, hats, coats and books in their own bags or book bags.
  • Hot lunches will resume as normal. Children can bring in packed lunches as per usual.
  • School will need to be informed in advance if children need to attend any medical appointments during school time.
  • Children must wear their school uniform.
  • Children arrive in their school PE kits on the days they have PE.
  • No face masks are allowed on the school premises.


Do pupils who are clinically vulnerable have to return to school?


 If a child cannot attend school because they are deemed clinically vulnerable, a plan will be drawn up and the school will provide remote education and additional support. Children who are self-isolating due to coronavirus or are following other clinical advice will not be penalised for their absence. Children who live with those who are clinically vulnerable can and should attend school. Further details will be sent out prior to the start of the Autumn term so that you are aware of all the specifics. If you have any individual concerns, please email the school office on


Is it optional for children to go back to school?


School attendance is mandatory for all pupils from the beginning of the autumn term. This means from September, the usual expectations on school attendance will apply. Sanctions can be applied for non-attendance.


Our main priority will always be to ensure that school is a safe environment for both our children and staff. Please follow the government guidelines and do not send your child to school if anyone within your household is displaying Covid19 symptoms.


Should government advice change during the summer holidays, the school will inform parents/carers through the School App before the start of the next academic year.


Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding. Take care, keep safe and have a restful summer break.

Kind regards,


Ms. H. Buttar
