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Information regarding: Google Classroom Expectations for Parent/Carers and pupils

Information regarding: Google Classroom Expectations for Parent/Carers and pupils

This is a learning platform where Teachers will share learning links, messages, resources and homework with pupils. Teachers will be setting weekly homework for children to complete: 

·MyMaths -weekly Maths homework

·Spelling Shed –weekly Spelling words

·Bug Club to set reading books (Myon additional resources for Year 2-6)

·Google Classroom –weekly Grammar in KS2 

·Google Classroom for Half Term Project -Pupils can upload their projects or bring them into school to share in class. 

1)     Teachers are very busy teaching and planning for pupils learning in school. Teachers will try to acknowledge work and respond to emails once a week. Therefore we ask for your patience and understanding when it comes to receiving your responses to emails and pupils work.

2)     Completed work will be acknowledged in school through rewards and certificates

3)     Additional learning resources do not need to be submitted, these are just extra resources to support families and pupils at home. 


Google classroom code of conduct


1)     We only use kind words, to each other and to adults. All messages are recorded, even if you delete them. Any inappropriate messages will be dealt with accordingly.

2)     Please only use the class Stream (main page) to ask questions, all responses will be kept to the main stream.

3)     Check the deadlines and timings of assignments - some events will be at certain times and if you are late it will be recorded.

4)     Only you are allowed to use your account - do not give your details to anyone else.

5)     Remember part of learning is making mistakes. Always be honest and complete tasks according to the instructions. Teachers can't give you the help and support you need if you google the answers - use your brain and learn from your mistakes! And finally, this is a new process so don't worry if you are struggling. We will work together to make this a fun learning experience. You may have issues logging on or using Google classroom, we will work it out together. Please be patient and we promise you it will be worth it. If you have any questions or comments please email  /post below, remember to follow the rules.  


Reminder for our Wellbeing to try to avoid where possible posting or work being submitted after 6:00pm 



From, All the Lake Farm Park Academy Staff