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Pyjamarama - Children to come to school in their Pyjamas on Friday 14th 2021

Pyjamarama - Children to come to school in their Pyjamas on Friday 14th 2021

Dear Parents / Carers


On Friday 14th May 2021, we are inviting children to participate in Pyjamarama, a special day dedicated to the importance of storytelling and reading for fun. The more children think that reading is fun, the more they will want to do it independently.


Children will be taking part in an enjoyable reading activity on the day. At the same time, we shall be asking pupils to bring in £1 for charity to help provide books and support to help get all children started on their reading journey. There will also be a competition on the day, a chance to win a book and receive a special Pyjamarama sticker.


We look forward to all enjoying a day in pyjamas on Friday 14 May to enjoy reading and help others too, so remember to get your clean PJs out and bring a £1! 


Your children's teachers will tell your children more on the day.


Thank you for your ongoing support.

Ms. Gray

English Lead

Dear Parents / Carers