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  • Nursery Stay and Play Session

    Published 20/03/23
    Dear Parents, The Nursery would like to invite you in for a stay and play session on Monday 27th March 2023.  This session will start at 8.30am and finish at 9.30am. Here we would like to see you engage, communicate and interact with the
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  • IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR YEAR 2 PARENTS/CARERS - World Culture Day on Thursday 29th

    Published 16/09/22
    Dear Parents / Carers,  This half term Year 2 will be learning all about The Wonders of the World in our Humanities lessons. To celebrate our Topic, we will be celebrating by holding a World Culture Day on Thursday 29th September 2022. &nb
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  • Walking home policy and permission letter

    Published 05/09/22
    WALKING TO AND FROM SCHOOL ALONE POLICY There are no laws around age or distance of walking to school. A families' guide to the law states: “There is no law prohibiting children from being out on their own at any age. It is
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  • Meet the teacher

    Published 05/09/22
    Dear Parent/Carer,  We would like to invite parents and careers into school to meet their class teacher and learn more about their child’s curriculum. During the session parents will be invited into the classroom once drop off and regis
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